
Sensory Garden - Sight

For those of us lucky to have good eye sight we really should enjoy the rainbow of colours that nature provides us for our gardens. Working with our charity of the year, Devon In Sight, we really are learning just how valuable our senses are and how to maximise the use of the senses we have. When it comes to creating a sensory garden to appeal to our sense of sight, it really is colour all the way and not just for humans – wildlife too is attracted to bold bright colours.

To really bring your garden to life apply some ‘interior design’ tips. The colour wheel shows how primary colours (red, yellow and blue) can be mixed to create secondary colours (orange, purple and green)  and even tertiary colours (a primary mixed with a secondary)! Whilst the ins and outs of the theory are not required here the basic design principle does. Colours opposite each other on the wheel contrast and therefore compliment each other. So put yellow flowers near vibrant purples and blues next to striking oranges.

The colour Wheel

Alternatively go with a harmonious scheme by picking three colours next to each other. As many plants are largely green, blue, green and yellow is a safe colour scheme option.

In addition to success with colour, think about colour all year round. If a plant is called an evergreen it will hold its leaves throughout the year (whereas deciduous plants loose their leaves in winter). Some plants actually look better in winter. Dogwood (Cornus) have amazing stem colour that look like fireworks in the late autumn.

Once you’ve splashed some colour in the garden don’t forget to enjoy it – maybe paint a picture or take a photo of your garden or cut colourful flowers for a floral arrangement. Enjoy your senses, enjoy your garden.